
I believe in transformation.

For over 25 years I've been working with groups and with people who are on their way to making a difference in the world.

I love being a part of a team that has a big dream—turning a neglected lot into a sacred garden, building a day center for people struggling with homelessness, training inner-city teens in a new way to handle conflict, changing a community's approach to creating affordable housing. Each of these ideas seemed impossible when we started. I've helped each become reality.

These things didn't happen easily.  Conflict is a part of life--especially when we touch on things that matter. I've learned not just to manage conflict until it goes away, but to engage it. I promote curiosity about what conflict reveals about our values, our fears, and our strength.

I am a skilled writer, a persuasive speaker, an engaging teacher, an effective fundraiser and an experienced organizer. What I love best is developing the leadership and skills of other people and teams. I’m good at noticing people and their gifts, even when they have been overlooked by others.

I’ve led two congregations and an interfaith organization. I’ve co-founded and led a non-profit that created affordable housing in one of the most unaffordable parts of the country. I’ve learned a lot along the way—and I am still learning.

If you’d like to connect, I’d love to hear from you! If you’d like to work together to transform the world, I can’t wait to get started.